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Good Business Practices

Good Business Practices
All business done by farms and breeders with CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs reflects on the registry, the breed, and the breeding community at large.

Good business practices include such things as representing a dog and its lineage honestly, finishing all registrations and transfers for dogs and pups, covering vet bills for any problem which occurred before the dog was transferred, offering replacements or refunds for dogs that don't work out, (within reason), making good pup placements, making all payments in a timely manner or working out such details between owner/breeder, etc.

Our registry staff can mediate minor difficulties because we know what is customary for placing pups and dogs. Please contact us if help is needed.

It is understood that our registry will not facilitate large puppy production operations. We expect breeders to have robust genetic goals for breed improvement.

The CMDR will contact and dialogue with a breeding farm or with a dog purchaser who has been reported repeatedly for questionable business practices. If a farm shows ongoing questionable ethics then the CMDR reserves the right to terminate services. Additionally, if a dog buyer shows repeated bad business ethics or improper care of dogs, the CMDR reserves the right to warn its breeding community.